Learning and interacting with God's Word? Sunday School.

9:30 am | For All Ages

At Outback Assembly of God, we know that hearing a sermon isn't enough.

We need to live it.

But there's something more than that...A bridge that connects what we hear with how we live. It's that time where we hear the Word of God and interact with others as we process it in a meaningful way.

That's what we do in Sunday School.

Babies & Toddlers

Bring them with you! We don't have a specific Sunday School class for your babies and toddlers, but they're welcome to sit with you in the adult class. We'd even be happy to help you hold them! 

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younger kids (age 3 - grade 4)

Younger kids meet in the Mobile for an age-appropriate lesson, craft/activity, and snack. 

Kids Sunday School classes use the Answers in Genesis curriculum. It takes kids on a systematic journey through the Bible, helping them to see why we believe what we believe & how to live out those beliefs in practical ways.

Older Kids (5th Grade - 12th grade)

Older kids meet in the Mobile for a lively time of teaching and discussion. 

This class uses the Gospel Publishing House curriculum. It takes kids on a systematic journey through the Bible, helping them to see why we believe what we believe & how to live out those beliefs in practical ways.

Photo by justinkendra/iStock / Getty Images


Adults of all ages are invited to Sunday School in the Main Sanctuary. We use the Sunday School quarterly put out by Gospel Publishing House, the publishing arm of the Assemblies of God, giving us a systematic, practical approach to the lessons.